Friday, November 4, 2011

The worst movie I've ever seen.

One of the worst movies I've ever seen was The Human Centipede. Here is the trailer:

I have many reasons for disliking this movie.  First of all I think it's really gross, especially when the humans are actually made into a centipede. The surgeon is sick and disturbed to want to do that to someone. But then again he is a creepy guy who lives alone in the middle of nowhere. The whole idea of a human centipede is pretty messed up. 
Here is an example:
Thus, The Human Centipede. 

There is also a Human centipede 2, which I have not seen. But it has apparently been banned in Britain, so i'm guessing its pretty bad. After seeing the trailer, I would have I'd have to agree. Here is the trailer:

I definitely don't plan on seeing this film. 


  1. Heidi - I asked my son if he had heard of this movie and he told me about it and made me watch the trailer - What kind of sick people come up with these things?????? YUCKKKKKK!

