Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Animal Science 916

I attend Century College for the Animal Science 916 program. It is a course on Veterinary Technology. I am taking this class because of my love for animals and because I want to be a Vet Tech someday. In my class we have lots of animals. We have ferrets, chinchillas, hamsters,  goats, chickens and ducks, rats, a bearded dragon, a bull snake, birds, an iguana, turtles, fish, cats, and a dog. The one thing I really enjoy about this class is being able to take care of and interact with the animals. We are assigned jobs every week to take care of a certain animals. It is kind of gross picking up animal feces and cleaning their cages but that is part of being in that career field. If I continue this class next year I will get a certificate for the class, If I do get certified then I will be able to go apply for a job at a zoo, vet clinic, and lots of other places dealing with animals. I really hope that I will be able to continue this class and get my certificate. It would be a really great opportunity for me.  Below is a picture of me and Yoda the Iguana. He was cold so I was holding him like a baby.  :)

Me and Yoda the iguana. 

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