Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Blogging assignment 14

Visual representation of my favorite Christmas story.

My favorite christmas story is How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Here is the beginning of the movie:

I really like this movie because it has always been my favorite Christmas movie. I watch this movie numerous times every year  since I was little. I think it is also a cute movie for children, thats why I enjoyed it so much when I was younger. 

Blogging assignment 13

New years resolution

This year for my new year's resolution, I am going to try to start saving up more money. My goal is to have enough money for a car by summer time or at least the end of summer. After first semester is over, I want to switch to the morning ALC session. Then I want to find a second job because I will only be going to school for three hours a day. So I can work at like eleven in the morning and then work till four or five at night and go  to work at acapulco. I hope I can achieve my new years resolution.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I love my family!

My sister Kiely turned 18 on 10/20/11. She got her first tattoo a month or so later. Its in roman numerals and at first I didn't get it at ALL. But once she explained it to me I realized that I  have the best big sister ever :) Her tattoo says 7/19 which is my birthday :) I love my sister

My step dad got the cross tattoo a couple of months back. He recently got the banners with names added to it. Laura and Julie are his daughters from his first marriage and Heidi and Kiely is me and my sister.  He says that I'm his daughter forever now :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Blogging assignment 12

Honestly I know NOTHING about cars. But is money was not an issue I would want to get a car with the following features:

-4 wheel drive
-4 door
-smaller car
-really good gas milage 

I like honda's so many some type of honda? 
But one car that I found that I really like is:

2012 Black Mitsubishi Lancer
I would LOVE to have this car because its beautiful!! And I think I would look good driving this car :)

Blogging assignment 11

  1. My Mom: I'm very influenced by my mom because she has been through a lot in her life and has always taught me to be an individual and to never rely on anyone but yourself. After my parents got divorced my dad left my mom with my sister and I. She was working full time and with all the bills from the divorce money was really tight. But we all worked together to make it through. I look up to my mom because she has achieved so much in life and I hope to do the same. 
  2. My sister Kiely: My sister Kiely influences me a lot because she has helped me with so much in the past few years. We used to not be very close but now since were both older we are best friends. I couldn't ask for a better sister and I love her with everything I have. She is 18, gets straight A's, Is attending the high school, works till 11 pm every night, stays up till 2 am to do homework and gets up at 5 am. She does so much and I honestly don't know how she handles it all, I know I wouldn't be able to. She does a lot for me too, like giving me rides places since I don't have my license or a car. I love my sister. 
  3. My Step Dad Rich: I admire my step dad because he is such a hard working guy. He worked 3 jobs over 100 hours a week before he had a heart attack almost 2 years ago. He is going to college now to be a paramedic and get his degree but he also does a ton of home improvement around our house to fix it up. He calls my sister and I his "Bonus kids" not his step kids. He does so much for our family and has been even before he was married to my mom. I know he loves me and will do anything to protect me. 
  4. Teen moms: I look up to teen moms because SOME of them are really great people. Personally I wouldn't want to have a baby when I'm still in high school but the people who I do know who have kids are amazing parents. They work part time, go to school, some even college, and do anything they can for their kids. I think that since they have kids so young it teaches them a lesson to become more mature for the future. 
  5. My Teachers: I look up to a lot of my teachers from ALC because they do so much for us kids. They understand why we don't perform well in regular high school and they respect that. They can see the kind of people we are going to become and they help us become those people. I really appreciate all the help and work that all the teachers do for me. I think that going to ALC was the best decision I've ever made when it comes to school and I thank every one of my teachers for showing me that I can make it. 

Friday, December 9, 2011


Taking a nap with Otty under the Christmas tree.

When I first got Mr.Kush! 

When I first got Macey. She was so little!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blogging assignment 10

My christmas list:

  • Viva la juicy perfume
  • Bare minerals mineral fail (2)
  • Wal-mart gift card so I can pick out my own makeup
  • Yoga pants from Victoria's secret
  • Zip down sweatshirts
  • New purse
  • Warm boots
  • Nice gloves/hats
  • To get my hair dyed
  • New cell phone (touch screen with full keyboard)
  • New color contacts
  • Get my industrial pierced on the right side
  • New nose, belly, and tongue rings
I doubt that I'm going to get all these gifts for christmas but the ones I want the most are a new cell phone, viva la juicy perfume, yoga pants, and a wal-mart gift card. 

Blogging assignment 9


A 7 year old girl, Jorelys Rivera from Altanta, Georgia disappeared on Friday, December 2nd around 5:00pm from the playground by the River Ridge apartment complex where she lived with her family. Her body was discovered in a dumpster. She had been sexually assaulted, stabbed, and beaten. She died from blood force trauma to the head. Earlier today Atlanta police arrested a suspect for the murder of Jorelys. They had believed that the suspect was someone who lived in the River Ridge apartment complex. No further details are in.

I find this article very sad because the girl Jorelys was an innocent 7 year old and some pervert overpowered her. I think that pretty much anyone would agree with me that not only sexually assaulting someone, especially a helpless 7 year old and murdering her is a terrible crime and it really hits heart when you think about it.

Jorelys Rivera, 7 years old. 

Blogging assignment 8

Since this is such a short grading period I'm working extra hard to get my hours and try to keep getting top hours. This is really hard for me to do because I work after school everyday from four to nine and when I get home I'm usually too tired to do any homework. I don't really do a lot of work at home, but whenever I get the chance at school to do so I take advantage of it. Like on thursdays I try to stay focused and get a lot done. I also do a lot of e2020 which helps get me extra hours. Since I work so much I end up getting 40 elective hours a grading period for work experience. I know that I don't need to be doing so much work and getting so many extra hours but I want to keep it this way. It makes me feel good about myself and accomplished when I see how many hours I got every grading period and seeing my picture on the top hours.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

animal science pics

Humphrey drinking water 
Yoda posing for a picture 
Speedy the russian turtle 
Pele the corn snake

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog reflection

I like the idea of blogging because it is a fun way to get to know people better and earn easy credit. I will definitely continue using my blog to earn extra credit. I will continue on with my animal themed blog but I also plan to post about other things as well. I learned how to design and create my blog but everything else was pretty easy from there. I could set up a blog for a business but I don't know if I would maintain it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Money money!

If I were given $150.00 to buy whatever I want on the internet I would get:

-2 dome lamp fixtures - $43.98
-1 150 watt infrared heat bulb for nighttime- $11.99
-1 150 watt infrared heat bulb for daytime-  $11.99
-1 30 to 40 gallon under tank heat pad- $21.99
-1 160 quart bag of aspen bedding- $43.99
-1 digital thermometer with probe- $10.99

Total costs: $144.94

leaving $5.06 for shipping fee.

I would love to get $150.00 to spend on my snake, he would be so much happier with these things in his home.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The worst movie I've ever seen.

One of the worst movies I've ever seen was The Human Centipede. Here is the trailer: http://www.ifcfilms.com/videos/the-human-centipede

I have many reasons for disliking this movie.  First of all I think it's really gross, especially when the humans are actually made into a centipede. The surgeon is sick and disturbed to want to do that to someone. But then again he is a creepy guy who lives alone in the middle of nowhere. The whole idea of a human centipede is pretty messed up. 
Here is an example:
Thus, The Human Centipede. 

There is also a Human centipede 2, which I have not seen. But it has apparently been banned in Britain, so i'm guessing its pretty bad. After seeing the trailer, I would have I'd have to agree. Here is the trailer:

I definitely don't plan on seeing this film. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My favorite song.

My favorite song is Guarantees by Atmosphere.


These warehouse wages kill the end's introduction
Man, I shoulda' shchooled it up when I was younger, shoulda' stuck to plan
Always had the dreams of bein' more self-assertive
And my kid's a teenager now, he needs the health insurance
So break my body, break-break my soul down
Just another zombie walkin' blindly through ya ghost town
Pull up to the bar to politic and tap the power
Ain't nobody really all that jolly at your happy hour
But I don't wanna go home yet
So I'ma talk to my cigarette and that television set
It doesn't matter what brand or station
Anything to take away from the current situation
No overtime pay, no holiday
Months behind on everything but the lottery
Winter 'round the corner, guaranteein' that my car dies
Wifey havin' trouble tryna juggle both the part-times
My cup ain't close to filled up
We tryna build up so we could have enough
And when I finally get the color, won't be nothin' else to paint on
A friend of mine tried to kill himself to the same song

My better half is mad at makin' magic outta can goods
My tax bracket status got her questionin' my manhood
My shorty got caught smokin' weed at a concert
And if I smack 'em everybody treats me like a monster
My neighbors ain't doin' much better
And we makin' competition instead of stickin' together
Can't save no nest egg, in fact this nest is rented
In fact that rent is late, wait
The money ain't here, the raise ain't comin'
Just me and my son and that crazy woman
And those bartenders, this whole fuckin' country
Got everybody swallowin' that lunch meat
Maybe we could speed up the process
Kill me in my thirties in the name of progress
Put me in the dirt and then change the topic
Sometimes seems like the only way to stop it
Contemplate my departure date
Doesn't take a lot to get a lot of us to talk this way
Take a shot at me, that's all I'm obligated for
Apparently my only guarantee is a walk-away

[Outro x2]
The only guarantee in life
Is a life worth dyin' for
Cause death don't wait for no one
It's sittin' on yo front door 

I love this song because its so true. The beat is chill and catchy. Atmosphere is one of my favorite artists because his music really relates to life. My favorite part of this song is the lyrics

"The only guarantee in life is a life worth dyin' for, Cause death don't wait for no one, Its sittin on yo front door." 

Ball python morphs.

There are hundreds of ball python morphs and more and more are created yearly.

Here are some of my personal favorite ball python morphs.


Blue eyed Leucistic ball python. 
This particular snake is a very rare ball python morph. If you'd like to own one of these you'll need about $1,800. Incredibly beautiful unique animals

Bumble bee ball python
A bumble bee python is a cross of a spider and pastel python. Cute little guys.


Tri-stripe ball python
The first tri-stripe was brought from africa.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blogs I like and dislike.

A blog that I liked was:


My reasons for liking this blog site was because it is about a young woman named Ashley Own Hill who owns a rescued dog shelter in Missippi. I really enjoyed this blog because I share the same love for animals as the writer of this blog. She has a passion for saving dogs and truly cares for dogs. I also really like the design and theme of her blog. Its easy to read and is very informal.

A blog that I didn't like was:


My reasons for not liking this song is because it is only pictures, not a person who is talking telling a story or getting information. The pictures on this blog are beautiful but when you click on them it just takes you to someone's tumbler page. Personally I think a blog should be personal, not just sharing a bunch of pictures of your animals.

Monday, October 24, 2011

My future pets.

Someday when I'm living on my own I want to have lots of animals. Some of the animals I  want to have are:

  • Iguana's 
  • Snakes
  • Several cats
  • A small dog
  • Chinese water dragon
These are just some of the animals I would like to have as pets someday.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Animal Science 916

I attend Century College for the Animal Science 916 program. It is a course on Veterinary Technology. I am taking this class because of my love for animals and because I want to be a Vet Tech someday. In my class we have lots of animals. We have ferrets, chinchillas, hamsters,  goats, chickens and ducks, rats, a bearded dragon, a bull snake, birds, an iguana, turtles, fish, cats, and a dog. The one thing I really enjoy about this class is being able to take care of and interact with the animals. We are assigned jobs every week to take care of a certain animals. It is kind of gross picking up animal feces and cleaning their cages but that is part of being in that career field. If I continue this class next year I will get a certificate for the class, If I do get certified then I will be able to go apply for a job at a zoo, vet clinic, and lots of other places dealing with animals. I really hope that I will be able to continue this class and get my certificate. It would be a really great opportunity for me.  Below is a picture of me and Yoda the Iguana. He was cold so I was holding him like a baby.  :)

Me and Yoda the iguana. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Reptile Expenses

I love my ball python Mr.Kush. But the one thing I don't love about him is how expensive it was to get him. Fortunately I was given Mr.Kush by one of my sister's friends, who I traded my fox snake with. I had no cage for Kush when I first got him and I had to keep him in a glass jar. I was really lucky to have someone give me one of their old reptile gallon cages. The average price of a large gallon tank for a snake or lizard is around $100-$150. But the REALLY nice ones look like this:


I would love to get a giant cage someday like those ones for Mr.Kush but I don't exactly have $6,000 to spend on one. The nice thing about fancy cages are that they come with everything you will possibly need for your reptile. Most of them come with built in heat lamps and pads, vines and tree branches to climb on, and other accessories your reptile will enjoy. A majority of reptiles are used to living in a very warm or tropical climate so getting a cage that has everything a tropical climate has would be very beneficial.

This is the climate I keep Kush in.

Kush in his home. 
I have a wood log for him to sleep in which has a heat pad underneath the glass to keep him warm. I have a long branch for him to climb on, soft bedding for him to crawl around, and 2 heat bulbs that are over his cage to keep him nice and toasty warm. The temperature of his cage is about 80 F at all times.

My pets :)

I love animals and I want to go to school to be a Vet tech. I have two cats, two dogs, and ball python. When I'm older I want to have a lot more exotic pets. I personally think that  animals are way better than people, they understand you and they don't judge you.

Macey (left) Izzie (right)

Louie (left) Otis (right)

Me and my ball python Mr.Kush

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hmmm bloggin?

So I've never really had a blog before....Lets see how this works out.