Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blogging assignment 15 (English credit please :)

My break from school was pretty good. I started working at Acapulco on December 21st, a few days before break so I was training in at work a lot during break. On christmas day my step sisters, Laura and Julie flew from New Jersey to Minnesota to spend christmas with us. It was my first time meeting them and it was kind of weird. They are both really spoiled and don't take anything seriously. I was glad that I was working a lot during break so I didn't have to see them a lot. I didn't really do anything else on break besides sleep in a lot. On some days I would sleep in till like five at night. 

A song that sums up my break is Breath by Pink Floyd. This song sums up my break because it is a really relaxing song and I enjoyed relaxing and sleeping in during break. 

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