Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blogging assignment 21 (English credit please :)

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

I think that Martin Luther King Jr. was an incredible person. He devoted his life to stand up for what he thought was right. He was a leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement and He was also a major part of many nonviolent protests as well as helping lead the fight for desegregation and equal rights. In 1964 he was the youngest person ever to win a noble peace prize at the age of thirty five. Martin Luther King Jr. did so many things in his life for other people even though it ended him in jail and his house being bombed. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, a dream that racism and segregation against African-Americans would finally stop and he did many things in his power to try to stop them. 

Martin Luther King jr made a huge impact on life today. Martin Luther King Jr fought for blacks to have rights in our country. I think that everything he did really changed how the world is today. Yes, there is still a lot of racism but I feel like blacks and people of other skin colors are more respected and treated like everyone else today. He risked his life to stand up for what he  believed in and a lot of people agreed with him. I feel like because of all the actions that Mr.King did, he changed the opinions that many people had on people of different races.  Because of the actions of Mr.King, many laws have changed too. There used to be many laws such as that black people couldn't drink from the same drinking fountains as whites, eat in the same restaurants, and even sit in the same section of the buses. Since Martin Luther King Jr stood up for what he believed in, things have changed today. If Mr. King had not have stood up for what he believed in, I think that we would still have a lot of segregation in the world today. Mr. King also believed that we should serve for our community, he thought of the less fortunate and believed that  should help others you don't have everything they need. I think that this has influenced the world today because of all the fun raisers and donations many people make today. 

1 comment:

  1. Edit this post I KNOW who he is and what he did. But that was not the assignment.
